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What is goat rearing?

The word ‘goat rearing‘ is familiar to everyone, but what exactly is goat rearing for novice goat breeders?  How do they do it?  And what does that have to do with it?  Many such questions need answers.  Therefore, at the beginning of this book, we will introduce the subject of goat rearing, which will help us to understand other concepts related to this subject. 

Understanding this subject before starting goat rearing is as important as starting to practice it.  Goat breeders fully understand that the obstacles in this business are automatically reduced.  Because the subject of goat rearing is certainly not as easy as we take it.  There is little difference between thinking of raising a goat and actually starting to do it.  Understanding this gap is essential for novice goat farmers before starting this business.

 Goat rearing is a daily routine in our village.  Even today farmers keep 2 to 4 goats in their house in the traditional way.  The goat is a versatile pet that feeds on grass, mulch and shrubs at low cost.  Since goat rearing is a lucrative farming business, the farmers have been doing this tradition for many years.  If there was no benefit from goat rearing then goat rearing would not have been done in villages for years.  But it is still being done today and the income from goats is still contributing to the rural economy.

Caring for 2 to 4 goats is not difficult for any farmer.  He takes the goat with him when he goes to the field and brings it back when he returns home after completing the work in the field.  In the meantime, the goats are released to graze in the fields or in the non-crop forests.  The goat eats fodder, grass, plants and fills its own stomach.  Therefore, knowledge of traditional heritage is sufficient to keep 2 to 4 goats.  But when we keep them in large numbers, we see the transformation of goat rearing into a scientific business.

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 Goat rearing is a daily routine in our village.  Even today farmers keep 2 to 4 goats in their house in the traditional way.  The goat is a versatile pet that feeds on grass, mulch and shrubs at low cost.  Since goat rearing is a lucrative farming business, the farmers have been doing this tradition for many years.  If there was no benefit from goat rearing then goat rearing would not have been done in villages for years.  But it is still being done today and the income from goats is still contributing to the rural economy.

Caring for 2 to 4 goats is not difficult for any farmer.  He takes the goat with him when he goes to the field and brings it back when he returns home after completing the work in the field.  In the meantime, the goats are released to graze in the fields or in the non-crop forests.  The goat eats fodder, grass, plants and fills its own stomach.  Therefore, knowledge of traditional heritage is sufficient to keep 2 to 4 goats.  But when we keep them in large numbers, we see the transformation of goat rearing into a scientific business.

Although goat rearing is a traditional agri-business, it has recently got a modern twist.  Due to internet and communication facilities, goat rearing has come to be known as a modern agricultural business.  Do it with confidence – modern goat rearing

By the way, the rise of goat rearing was mainly due to agri-business.  Due to many reasons such as non-availability of guaranteed prices for agricultural commodities, loss of agricultural commodities due to untimely rains, persistent droughts, farming alone is often not profitable.  Along with agriculture, if animal husbandry is done in a scientific manner and with complete information, then farmers can get huge income from this agri-business.  In animal husbandry we have mainly cows, buffaloes, goats.  In addition to raising cows and buffaloes, animal husbandry has now created many opportunities for goat rearing.

Although goat rearing is a traditional agri-business, it has recently got a modern twist.  Due to internet and communication facilities, goat rearing has come to be known as a modern agricultural business.  Do it with confidence – modern goat rearing

By the way, the rise of goat rearing was mainly due to agri-business.  Due to many reasons such as non-availability of guaranteed prices for agricultural commodities, loss of agricultural commodities due to untimely rains, persistent droughts, farming alone is often not profitable.  Along with agriculture, if animal husbandry is done in a scientific manner and with complete information, then farmers can get huge income from this agri-business.  In animal husbandry we have mainly cows, buffaloes, goats.  In addition to raising cows and buffaloes, animal husbandry has now created many opportunities for goat rearing.

Fodder is the soul of animal husbandry.  No animal husbandry is possible without fodder.  Farmers have land to grow fodder, are aware of fodder cultivation techniques and have a built-in habit of hard work.  If this couple needs enough knowledge to raise goats then what could be a better situation for goat rearing.

Goats are a little easier to keep than cows and buffaloes.  The investment in goats is much less than that of dairy animals but the yield from goats is relatively good.  Goats require less space for rearing, less fodder, breeding goats can give birth twice in 14 months, each calf usually has two chicks (if the goat has the ability to give two chicks), tolerates hot weather, the cost of supplementary feed is relatively low.  Goats are easier to handle, good demand for goat and goat meat, etc. For many reasons, goat rearing is more profitable than other animal husbandry.

Goat rearing is evolving as a science in animal husbandry today.  Research on Goat Breeding is still going on today.  Goat breeders in this business have their own innovations in this field  Are doing.  Some organizations are also contributing to this work.  In that sense, the goat business in India is still in transition.  Many people want to do this business  But not all of this knowledge and guidance is available at the right time, sometimes it does not get family support, sometimes it is not enough capital. It is fact that the business of goat rearing has not been able to get a foothold due to some of these obstacles.

If you decide to raise goats on the basis of incomplete information and without prior preparation, then that decision may be troublesome for you in future.  Before starting any business, it is necessary to study it thoroughly and gain as much knowledge as possible about that business.  Once all the study is done, can we do that business?  Guessing this is orderly.  A business started with such a thorough study does not possibly fail.  This is because the obstacles in this business have been studied from the beginning so that they can be planned in time.  Goat rearing is a business venture.

In order to do this business, one needs to be interested in the subject of ‘goat rearing’.  This is followed by a thorough study of many important things like preparation for this business, construction of sheds, selection of goats, fodder planning, diseases of goats, vaccination, first aid, sales management etc.  Goat rearing after such a thorough study has become a need of the hour. Some of the following reasons can lead to failure in goat rearing.  The reasons are to enter the business without full knowledge of the business, not to be present at the shed, not to get skilled manpower for goat rearing, not to get proper guidance, goats to be infected with a contagious disease, more chickens to die However, not getting the expected income, too much investment in the shed at the beginning, not getting first aid on time, poor fodder planning, cost and income mismatch.  To avoid this, it is necessary to study all these things and then come into this business.

 On the other hand, there are many goat sheds in Maharashtra which are running successfully and profitably.  The annual income of some sheds has reached millions of rupees (some goat breeders get their income from goat breeding while some goat breeders get their income from buying and selling goats).  This contradiction in the business of goat rearing is mainly due to misunderstanding of the subject of goat rearing.  When we start a business, there are some basic needs of that business, which need to be met in that time.  It is expected to start a business by understanding those needs.  Due to this deficiency, there is a high probability of not getting the expected success in goat rearing.

There is a big difference between keeping one or two goats and keeping more than 20 goats.  Although both these types are for goat rearing, the goat rearing technique has to be changed while keeping a large number of goats.  Keeping in mind this changing technique, goat rearing is literally ‘modern goat rearing’.

The main purpose of goat rearing is meat production.  The number of meat eaters is increasing day by day.  And the market price of mutton is also increasing.  Most importantly this business is completely cash so this type of borrowing is not in this business.  The production of clean and quality meat is the golden future of this business.  In addition, there are many options available for supplementary occupations such as milk production, leather, manure.  Even in goat rearing good quality goats can be bred to get good income from this business.

There is still a big difference between the production and demand of goat rearing in Maharashtra.  The products of this business are consumed locally.  Goats in Maharashtra still do not reach Mumbai and its suburbs.  The meat requirement of Mumbai and its suburbs is being met by goats from neighboring Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan.  Given the growing demand for mutton in the future, there is no need to say differently about the future of this business. 

For example: Suppose there is a village with a population of 2000.  Let’s assume that most of the people in this village eat this meat.  Suppose there is a mutton shop in this village and the shopkeeper assumes an average of one buck per day for mutton (i.e. 365 goats will be slaughtered on an average year).  That shopkeeper will need 365 goats a year.  A goat breeder would need to raise at least 350-400 goats per year to produce 365 goats (we assume here that each goat will produce 1 buck per year) or at least 350 to 400 breeding goats in that village. The goat shed also falls short of meeting the one-year requirement of a meat shop.  This will give you an idea of ​​the future scope of this business.

Along with meat production, many opportunities have been created in goat rearing.  Goat rearing in Maharashtra is done for meat as well as for breeding.  Breeding of good breeds of goats and supplying them to other breeders for breeding is another form of goat rearing.  Today, goat farming is practiced in both traditional and modern ways.  Some goat farmers keep goats only for meat while some goat farmers keep goats only for breeding. 

For example: Suppose there is a village with a population of 2000.  Let’s assume that most of the people in this village eat this meat.  Suppose there is a mutton shop in this village and the shopkeeper assumes an average of one buck per day for mutton (i.e. 365 goats will be slaughtered on an average year).  That shopkeeper will need 365 goats a year.  A goat breeder would need to raise at least 350-400 goats per year to produce 365 goats (we assume here that each goat will produce 1 buck per year) or at least 350 to 400 breeding goats in that village. The goat shed also falls short of meeting the one-year requirement of a meat shop.  This will give you an idea of ​​the future scope of this business.

Along with meat production, many opportunities have been created in goat rearing.  Goat rearing in Maharashtra is done for meat as well as for breeding.  Breeding of good breeds of goats and supplying them to other breeders for breeding is another form of goat rearing.  Today, goat farming is practiced in both traditional and modern ways.  Some goat farmers keep goats only for meat while some goat farmers keep goats only for breeding. 

When raising commercial goats, many things need to be paralleled at the same time without wasting time.  While playing chess, one has to keep an eye on the movements of all the puppies at the same time, while the management of sheds, fodder planning, goat health, first aid / medication, vaccination, sales management, supplementary feeding, prophylactic measures, etc. have to be done properly and in parallel.  Readers may find the above words a bit difficult to understand but after reading this book they will start to feel like yours.  If the goat breeders start this business with full knowledge of the subject of goat rearing, then the obstacles that will come in the future will be lessened and the benefits and success rate will increase.

There are some limitations in doing goat rearing business by the workers so it is necessary to be present at the shed or a responsible person in the house while entering the business.  It is becoming increasingly difficult to find skilled workers for this work while raising goats.  Therefore, it is important to do this business from the point of view of profit only if you are available on the shed yourself.  Otherwise unnecessary expenses may increase.  This is because it is not possible to say for sure that the workers in this business will be available for work on the shed for 365 days.  Initially, if the number of goats is low, it is not possible to keep workers in the shed.  Goat rearing can be done by the workers only if they go to the shed at least once a day and pay attention.  There will be some exceptions to this but the same experience is everywhere. 


When raising commercial goats, many things need to be paralleled at the same time without wasting time.  While playing chess, one has to keep an eye on the movements of all the puppies at the same time, while the management of sheds, fodder planning, goat health, first aid / medication, vaccination, sales management, supplementary feeding, prophylactic measures, etc. have to be done properly and in parallel.  Readers may find the above words a bit difficult to understand but after reading this book they will start to feel like yours.  If the goat breeders start this business with full knowledge of the subject of goat rearing, then the obstacles that will come in the future will be lessened and the benefits and success rate will increase.

There are some limitations in doing goat rearing business by the workers so it is necessary to be present at the shed or a responsible person in the house while entering the business.  It is becoming increasingly difficult to find skilled workers for this work while raising goats.  Therefore, it is important to do this business from the point of view of profit only if you are available on the shed yourself.  Otherwise unnecessary expenses may increase.  This is because it is not possible to say for sure that the workers in this business will be available for work on the shed for 365 days.  Initially, if the number of goats is low, it is not possible to keep workers in the shed.  Goat rearing can be done by the workers only if they go to the shed at least once a day and pay attention.  There will be some exceptions to this but the same experience is everywhere. 


Modern goat rearing means raising a large number of goats at the same time and earning income from it by scientifically planning the essentials.  The business of goat rearing depends on the live animal ‘goat’ and its fertility.  Therefore, after getting complete information about goats, one should come into this business.  There is no doubt that this business will be profitable if the goat breeders meet the requirements of this business in time.

 The fact that a goat will produce 2 to 4 goats in a year while rearing goats and also assuming that a goat will give birth to 2 chicks at a time will not be taken into account.  Going beyond that, goats.  It is not possible to calculate how many bucks will be born.  Therefore, goat rearing professionals.  It is always advisable to present the income estimates only after one year of experience.  For this, goat breeders need to have patience and passion for goat farming so that they can overcome all these obstacles successfully and with confidence.

Some benefits of goat rearing:

* Goat rearing takes up relatively less space.

* Goats become fertile early.  It can also give birth to puppies 3 times in a period of 2 years after   becoming fertile.

* If local but good quality goats are preferred for goat rearing then the primary investment in this business is less than other animals.  But some breeds of goats are relatively expensive, so the investment may increase.

* Goats are relatively less troublesome than dairy animals.

* Goats produce good yields.

* Goats adapt to the three seasons.

* Goats are easy to handle. 

* Demand for goat and goat meat is increasing day by day.

* Goat manure is available for agriculture.

Some Essential Factors for Successful Goat Breeding:

Goat rearing is one of the essential elements for the success of this business.  Through these essential elements it will be easier for you to understand goat rearing;

  1. Have a passion for goat rearing.
  2. All the members of the family should agree on the business of goat rearing.  With their participation, goat rearing is very helpful.
  3. Goat rearing should be started only after a thorough and thorough study of this business ..
  4. Capital raising planning should be done .
  5. The goat needs to understand the animal – its habits, preferences, fodder, its reproductive cycle, its physiology, its nutrient requirements, etc.
  6. Know the minerals and vitamins required for goat growth.
  7. The purpose of goat rearing should be clear.
  8. Choose proper rearing method of goat rearing.
  9. The shed should be erected properly.
  10. Shed management should be well maintained.
  11. Cultivation of fodder crops and its long term planning.
  12. Provide clean drinking water in the shed.
  13. Choose suitable breed of goats.
  14. Breeding goats should be properly selected.
  15. Proper selection of breeding goat.
  16. Get complete information about various diseases of goats.
  17. Infectious diseases should be known.
  18. Preventive measures should be taken on the shed.
  19. Learn to give first aid to sick goats.
  20. Goats should be taught to vaccinate on time.
  21. Pregnant goats should be taken care of.
  22. Goats should be taken care of after delivery.
  23. Understand goat supplementation and its usefulness.
  24. Understand the care of kids and their weight gain management.
  25. Insure / take off breeding goats.
  26. Deworming and timely control of parasitic pests.
  27. Various records of goat rearing business should be kept and reviewed from time to time.
  28. Care should be taken during transport of goats.
  29. Learn how to make a sacrificial goat.
  30. Try your hand at sales management and various opportunities in this business from the beginning.
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