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Alfa Alfa / Rajka / Methi Grass (2-3 Years Multicutting)

From 499.00

Rajka grass is a perennial fodder crop containing 20% ​​protein. All kinds of animals are eaten with great interest. It is mainly cultivated as green fodder for goats, cows, buffaloes, horses, rabbits and chickens. Cultivation method is done by bed method and it can be sown in any season except summer.

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  • General information about seedsAlfa Alfa Grass contains 17% to 20% protein. It also contains crude proteins, minerals, vitamin A, vitamin D and many more. Hence, Alfa Alfa Grass is called the king of fodder crops. Alfa Alfa Grass contains 15.9% of digestible crude protein and a good percentage of various nutrients. Alfa Alfa Grass is known by various names like Rajka Ghas in Hindi, Methi Grass in Marathi, Ghoda Grass, Nagari Grass, and Alfa Alfa Grass Seeds in English. Alfa Alfa Grass  grows up to 2 feet in height. There are 2 species in this ghasa. The first is Alfa Alfa Grass in one year and the second is Alfa Alfa Grass in three years. In three years Alfa Alfa Grass is planted in cold days and in one year Alfa Alfa Grass is planted in early June i.e. in rainy season. But it is possible to plant a large quantity of Alfa Alfa Grass in three years. Goats, sheep, cows, buffaloes, horses as well as ducks, chickens are very fond of food.Land and preparation for plantingAlfa Alfa Grass can be grown in different soils. These crops are grown in a wide variety of soils, from moderate, sandy soils to black loamy soils. Heavy soils are very suitable for this crop and well drained soils are required for this crop. For this purpose, if the amount of deep plowing is high, break it up and apply 8 to 10 tons of fully decomposed manure per acre in medium to light soil before sowing in vertical-horizontal cobwebs. Large carts should be prepared before planting.Seed processingAlfa Alfa Grass seeds do not have any seed processing.Planting period and method of cultivationThree Alfa Alfa Grass should be planted during the cold period from October to February and one year old Alfa Alfa Grass should be planted in the month of June i.e. in the rainy season. This weed should be planted on flat land by steaming the seeds by hand, taking care that the seeds go only half an inch deep while being sown in the soil. If the seed goes too deep, the seed will not germinate. Land, water, manure and climate can increase or decrease the germination capacity.Fertilizer and water planningBefore sowing, apply 10 kg of single super phosphate per acre. Irrigate immediately after planting, then at intervals of 3 to 4 days, then irrigate as per soil requirements. Initially you would have applied manure but since you harvest this grass frequently you will need D.A.P, 10.26.26 after each harvest. Granular chemical fertilizers should be used. If you have an abundance of lentil manure, well-rotted cow-buffalo manure will do well.Harvesting / production / use

    Alfa Alfa Grass are harvested along with the soil ( Ground Level). The first harvest of Alfa Alfa Grass should be done on an average 40 to 45 days after planting with pink flowers. After that cuttings should be done after 20 to 25 days. Change of soil and water can cause early or late harvest. If the grass is not growing then 19.19.19. This growth spray should be released from the water and also sprayed. Too much temperature, too much water does not make this grass weedy. Therefore, only if proper care is taken, this grass lasts for a long time. The average annual yield of Alfa Alfa Grass is 50 to 60 tons. Bad weather can cause production to increase or decrease. Alfa Alfa Grass is said to be the king of Charyas. Therefore, all kinds of animals like to eat this fodder. Alfa Alfa Grass is useful for all kinds of animals like goats, cows, buffaloes, chickens, rabbits and horses.

    Seeds per acre

    20kg of seed is required per 1 acre of land.

Weight1000 g

1 KG, 0.5 KG, 500g


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