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Agasti / Hadaga / Sisbenia Grandi Flowra (Medium Tree / 8 – 10 Year Multicutting)

Original price was: ₹600.00.Current price is: ₹399.00.

Agasti is a perennial small tree fodder crop with 18% protein. All kinds of animals eaten with great interest. It is mainly cultivated as green fodder for goats. It is also used for agricultural fencing. Cultivation is done in line method and can be sown in any season.

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General information about seeds Sesbania Gradiflora is a medium height tree, also known as Agastya or Agusta. The plant has white, yellow or red flowers. These flowers flow to God. They also eat these flowering vegetables. The flowers, leaves and bark of this plant are used medicinally. The leaves of the tree are used as fodder for animals, while the wood of the tree is used to make tools for agriculture. They are also used to make fire sticks. Sesbania Gradiflora can be planted any time of the year. Sesbania Gradiflora is grown as a perennial dicotyledonous fodder crop, growing up to 8 to 10 m tall and fast. Sesbania Gradiflora cultivation is generally done on the embankment. It can also be done on vacant land. Calcium, protein and phosphorus are good in the leaves. Sesbania Gradiflora contains 18.2 per cent digestible protein and 56.81 per cent total digestible matter. Sesbania Gradiflora can be grown in less water. The Sesbania Gradiflora tree does not succumb to any disease. 4 kg of seed is required per 1 acre of land.

Land and preparation for planting The fodder crop can be grown in different soils. This fodder crop is grown in a wide variety of soils, from medium to sandy soils to black loamy soils. Rocky soils, saline soils and heavy soils are very suitable for this crop. For this, by throwing a lot of cow dung and plowing deep, if the quantity of lumps is more, it should be broken and vertical-horizontal cobwebs should be kept.

Seed processing Sesbania Gradiflora seeds do not have any seed processing.

Planting period and method of cultivation Sesbania Gradiflora seeds can be sown on the embankment or along the embankment. Also, if fodder is to be sown on vacant land, it can be sown densely by sowing seeds at a distance of 6 to 8 feet between two ridges. A 1 foot deep 1 foot wide tractor should remove the sari, add a lot of dung manure or lentil manure in it, put seeds in it in a dense manner, cover the soil a little and release a lot of water. Land, water, manure and climate can increase or decrease the germination capacity.

Fertilizer and water planningIrrigate immediately after planting and then at intervals of 3 to 4 days, then continue watering as per soil requirements. Initially you would have applied manure but since you harvest these trees frequently you will need D.A.P, 10.26.26 after each harvest. Granular chemical fertilizers should be used.

Harvesting / production / use With proper fertilizer and water planning, plants can grow 8 to 10 feet in 2 to 3 months for the first harvest. Then cut all the upper part by keeping 4 feet bottom at the bottom. After that, a large number of branches come to that bud. Large branches should be removed for fodder at intervals of 15-20 days after them.

Seeds per acre

6 kg of seed is required per 1 acre of land.

Weight250 g

250g, 100g


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