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Jinjawa / Marvel Grass (5-6 Year Multicutting)

Original price was: ₹3,000.00.Current price is: ₹2,000.00.

1 bundle stick covers 3000 square feet area.
We Will Provide 10% Extra Sticks on each order.

Hybrid Toor is a perennial small tree fodder crop with 17% protein. All kinds of animals eaten with great interest. It is mainly cultivated Toor is cultivated for production of pulses as well as green fodder for goats. It is also used for agricultural compounds. Cultivation is done in line method and can be sown in any season.

General information about seeds

Marvel grass lasts 7 to 8 years once planted. Increases in height from 3 to 4 feet. Yogurt contains up to 12% protein. Cows, buffaloes, horses and goats eat this grass with great relish. This grass does not rot. Since the cane is fine and the leaves are tender, the animals eat it whole. This grass is harvested every month. It can be grown in low water and in any environment. It can also be grown in any land in India.

Land and preparation for planting

Marvel grass can be grown in different soils. These crops are grown in a wide variety of soils, from moderate, sandy soils to black loamy soils. Heavy soils are very useful for this crop and well drained soils are required. For this, by plowing deep, if the amount of lumps is more, it can be broken up, manure can be applied and soft and humus-suitable soil suitable for crop can be prepared. After preparing the soil, steam should be made keeping a width of 2 meters and length according to the slope of the soil. However, if two feet wide and ten meters long shapes are made, it is easy to sow and less area is wasted in the water table. When cultivating before sowing, apply 8 to 10 tons of fully decomposed manure per acre as per availability.

Seed processing

These sticks should be soaked in cold water for 1 hour after transport and should be planted immediately thereafter.

Planting period and method of cultivation

Marvel grass should be planted in early June. However, if you have access to water, you can plant this grass anytime of the year. This grass should be planted on flat ground at a distance of 2 inches between two canes. Simply put, planting should be done in the same way as we plant onion seedlings. When dropping the cane, make sure that it is only 2 inches deep. Land, water, manure and climate can increase or decrease the germination capacity.

Fertilizer and water planning

Before sowing, apply 10 kg of single super phosphate per acre. Irrigate immediately after planting, then at intervals of 3 to 4 days, then irrigate as per soil requirements. Initially you would have applied manure but since you harvest this grass frequently you will need D.A.P, 10.26.26 after each harvest. Granular chemical fertilizers should be used. If you have an abundance of lentil manure, well-rotted cow-buffalo manure will do well.

Harvesting / production / use

Marvel Grass harvests grass with soil. The first harvest should be done on average 60 to 70 days after planting. Subsequent pruning’s should be done after 30 to 35 days. Change of soil and water can cause early or late harvest. If the grass is not growing, 19.19.19. This growth spray should be released from the water and also sprayed. Properly covered, it will withstand a great deal of adverse conditions. 1 acre provides 4 to 5 tons of green fodder per month. The average annual production of green fodder is 50 to 60 tons. Bad weather can lead to an increase or decrease in production. This fodder is eaten by all kinds of animals with gusto. Useful for all kinds of animals like goats, cows, buffaloes, chickens, rabbits and horses.

Seeds per acre

The requirement is 20 bundle per 1 acre of land.


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